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2025 Classes
CLASS LEVELS: 1–Beginner | 2–Advanced Beginner | 3–Intermediate | 4–Advanced | 5–Expert
Crank It Up!
Steve Smith
- Week 2
Level 3–5
This mandolin class will help you focus on using double stops, chord voicings, and scales melodically with the tunes no matter if you are playing the actual melody or improvising. We’ll work on getting “that sound and drive or pulse” in your music from bluegrass and old-time to roots styles. We’ll also develop a consistency of sound so your music will rise. We’ll work by ear and handouts will be included.
Mandolin Kickstarter
Steve Smith
- Week 2
Level 1–2
Whether you’ve been playing for three months or three years, developing and staying in touch with the basics will help you build and maintain your mandolin skills to help move to the next level. Proper right- and left-hand techniques are a sure way to get you down the mandolin road in all styles. We’ll work on consistent pick direction, finger placement, chord shapes, major and minor pentatonic scales, and a few tunes. We’ll work by ear and with handouts.
Songwriting Guitar
Jon Shain
- Week 2
Level 2–5
We’ll take students’ original songs and work on bringing them up a notch through more nuanced guitar parts. Topics will include adding melody to chords in first position, creating intros and outros to songs, using alternate chords to serve various emotional functions, using the guitar to deepen the emotion of the lyrics with strumming techniques—along with exercises and other fun stuff!
Beginning Fingerstyle Blues
Jon Shain
- Week 2
Level 2
We will concentrate on basic folk-blues fundamentals—getting good tone, alternating thumb technique, and “dead thumb” technique, and adding melodies in the treble strings. We’ll learn an easy blues tune or two along the way. Some TAB reading will be helpful, so we’ll do a quick primer on it at the beginning of the class.
Song as Teacher
Kim Scanlon
- Week 2
All levels
Two ways a singer can develop: 1) study the intelligence of the body and 2) study the intelligence of a song. This class focuses on the latter. Learn simple but potent song study practices. All genres (except western Classical) welcome.
The Mysteries of Vocal Blend
Kim Scanlon
- Week 2
All levels
When you sing with someone (in unison or in harmony), you’re attuning to several things: inhale, tone, vowel, gesture, and objective pitch. Learn practices that enhance your ability to perceive—and match—all five. Suitable for all genres.
String Band
Avram Siegel
- Week 2
Level 3–5
We’ll arrange one song at a time, as we would for a performance. We’ll work on intros and outros, soloing, vocal leads and harmonies, dynamics, and the elusive groove that makes music cook whether it’s bluegrass, country, swing, old-time, or related string band styles. All stringed instruments are welcome.
Bluegrass Banjo
Avram Siegel
- Week 2
Level 3
In this class we’ll cover rhythm and backup, solo breaks, and how the banjo fits into a band setting. We’ll also look at right- and left-hand technique to improve tone, timing, and speed. Students should be familiar with basic open and closed chord shapes. Bring a 5-string banjo, fingerpicks, a thumbpick, and a capo.
Fiddle: Advanced Creative Improvising
Miles Quale
- Week 2
Level 3–4
If you’ve ever been in a jam and wanted to play more interesting solos, or listened to one of your favorite on-stage shredders and wished you could level up your improv, this class is for you. We’ll borrow blues licks and explore jazz ideas to incorporate bowing and tonalities from other music genres into our everyday bluegrass, folk, and Americana playing.
Intermediate Bluegrass Fiddling
Miles Quale
- Week 2
Level 2–3
Have you ever listened to a cool Bobby Hicks tune, or maybe a Vassar Clements solo, and wondered how those guys got so good? We’ll dig into exercises and practice techniques that will help us move towards creating the sounds of our bluegrass heroes.
Mysteries of Brazilian Rhythms to the American Influences
Ami Molinelli
- Week 2
Level 2–5
We will identify how bossa nova originated from the samba and how the guitar and percussion lock together through small percussion instruments. We’ll delve into the Bo Diddley beat and clave and what makes them similar yet so different. What is a 6/8 pattern and why do you hear it in jazz? This class will use auxiliary percussion and tambourines, shakers, clave, Brazilian pandeiro, and more, and unlock percussion you can play at any jam! Instruments provided: Pandeiro, tambourines, shakers, clave, and more!
Sticks and Stones Won’t Break Your Bones!
Ami Molinelli
- Week 2
All levels
This class will get into rudiments and sticking technique on bucket drums! Say “YES” to the BUCKET! We will also learn about note values and how to be a better rhythm player. Get ready to read and learn an unusual percussion composition! This class will be about playing American-inspired rhythms, using the “unusual” as a percussion instrument, reinforcing rhythms, and dissecting the GROOVE. Instruments provided: buckets, dowels. Please bring your own hands.
Flatpicking Solos: Kick it Up a Notch
Tim May
- Week 2
Level 3–4
In this class we’ll explore simple ways to approach improvisation, which Duke Ellington called “spontaneous composition.” We’ll be targeting chord tones and looking at key centers and opportunities to play one major scale over a variety of changes. In real life, though, not every solo needs to be improvised—we’ll add to our soloing toolkit by introducing major and minor blues, folded scales, crosspicking, harmonized scales, and more. Lots can be learned from great soloists like Doc Watson, Tony Rice, and Clarence White, so we will break down some of what they did to learn some new techniques.
Get Started With Soloing: What To Do When They Say “Take It!”
Tim May
- Week 2
Level 2–3
Bluegrass, country, folk, and related music genres offer opportunities to create solos; we’ll explore methods for creating solos from scratch. Our goal is to keep the melody pure while creating interest, using techniques like “neighbor notes,” crosspicking, drones, and more. Players like Maybelle Carter and Norman Blake were masters at creating melody-driven solos interwoven with rhythm concepts; we’ll break down what they did and steal their ideas. Lots of playing in class and lots of fun!
Harmony Singing
Cara Luft
- Week 2
All levels
Come experience the fun and unique qualities of singing with others in harmony and learn to capture the essence of a song with your voice. We will explore listening techniques, how to recognize chordal relationships and basic harmony building blocks, how harmony fits into the melodic landscape, how to sing better lines while picking up some vocal techniques and exercises along the way. Join us for a fun and empowering experience! Everything is taught by ear and learned as a group.
School of Rock for Folkies
Cara Luft
- Week 2
All levels
Experience immense musical joy as a group while “folkin’ up” classic pop/rock songs in 2- and 3-part harmony. Come prepared to sing your heart out, laugh and have loads of fun, all while rocking out folk-style! We’ll explore learning and arranging a song as a group, dynamics within a song, blending instruments, listening to each other, knowing when to sing/play simply and when to step it up, how to play in support of the vocalist or soloist, and how to get out of the way and let the song speak. Any acoustic instrument is welcome. With voices and instruments working together, we’ll bring these songs to life!
My Two Cents
Sue Horowitz
- Week 2
Level 2–5
Songwriting circles are designed to help you grow as a composer. Would you like help knowing if your song works? Needs a bridge? Makes sense to the listener? Could benefit from chord changes? The possibilities are endless. Bring your song baby to the group for helpful and supportive feedback, which you can take or toss—it’s your song! You are welcome to drop in and out of this class as the schedule works for you. Please come ready to share a song that you would like feedback on.
Songwriting Playground
Sue Horowitz
- Week 2
All levels
Whether you are new to songwriting, an experienced songwriter trying to break out of a rut, or just looking for more tools for your toolbox, this session is for you. We will play in the songwriting playground with music and lyrics prompts and writing exercises. Every day will be a different prompt; you are welcome to drop in for a single session or come for the whole week to play in a creative space. Bring a pen and paper, your instrument if applicable, something to record on, and an open mind and heart!
Moving on in Swing: Intermediate Swing Guitar
Sylvia Herold
- Week 2
Level 3–4
This class is for those who have previously taken a swing guitar class or two. You’ll learn a selection of standards, ballads, Latin, and show tunes as you expand your chord vocabulary—including inversions—and practice right-hand strumming for the all-important swing feel. Soloing and singing are encouraged!
Swing Gently: Intro to Swing Guitar
Sylvia Herold
- Week 2
Level 3
How does one get from playing first-position chords (G, C, D, etc.) to playing swing and jazz? I’ll show you the way! I’ve helped hundreds of students discover the joys of playing up the neck using simple swing tunes and a pared-down palette of chords. We’ll spend most of our time playing, strumming, and gently swinging to a selection of old-fashioned songs.
Theory Applied to Guitar
Nina Gerber
- Week 2
Level 3–5
Knowing where you are, where you’re going, and how to get there makes for a smoother trip. This class will start you on the path to understanding the fretboard. Whether you’re looking to play more leads or find more chords, a little knowledge goes a long way (practicing helps too).
Play Well With Others
Nina Gerber
- Week 2
Level 3
Playing music with others can be a deeply moving, exciting experience. In this class, we’ll explore ways of playing together without banging out the same chords the same way at the same time as everyone else. Experiment with different voicings for different rhythms and varying melodic lines. Learn when to play and when to lay out, and ways to play music WITH each other instead of AT each other.
Amy Friedricks
- Week 2
All levels
Playing music with others is such a joy—let’s make that happen. New to an instrument? Want to try out some new strums or licks or harmonies you’re learning in class? Join us at the SLOW Jam every afternoon (4 chords or less!). Need a musical matchmaker for your level/style? Or a camp experience navigator? Let’s talk.
Fun With Barre Chords
Amy Friedricks
- Week 2
Level 2
You’ve got the basic chords under your fingers so let’s take your playing to the next level. We’ll learn how to move simple shapes up the neck, easily figure out which fret to play, and how to make it sound good. We’ll make friends with a Bm and a Bb and dozens more—even that dreaded F chord! We’ll also look at how to use barre chords to quickly transpose and move songs into finger-friendly keys. Along the way we’ll play some classic songs that everyone wants to sing. All strummers and fingerstyle players welcome.
From Hearth to Stage: Voice and Guitar Performance for Folkies
Gina Davis
- Week 2
All levels
Come practice the art of live performance. This stagecraft class provides participants with the opportunity to explore the art of storytelling through music, and to refine vocal and guitar techniques. Students will learn about stage presence, mic technique, and how to connect with an audience to create feel-good performances all in the safest space in the world (Gina is terrifyingly kind). Through creativity warmups and exercises, practice performances, and constructive feedback, students will build confidence and polish their craft, preparing them for live performances, open mics, or perhaps the student concert! All instruments and genres welcome.
Jamnastics for Guitarists and Their Fretted Friends
Gina Davis
- Week 2
Level 2–3
Join the jam! A fun and safe place to build your singable jammable repertoire, and your confidence calling and leading tunes in a jam, in a low-pressure environment. We’ll work on our singing and our playing, and learn some of the unwritten rules of jamming. What’s a break? How do I take one? Who goes first? What about harmony singing?
Beginning Guitar
Bryan Cooperrider
- Week 2
Level 1
Every journey begins with the first step. If it’s been a lot of years or you are brand new to the guitar, this class will get you (re)started on the basics and get you out strumming with friends.
Your Total Rhythm Workout
Bryan Cooperrider
- Week 2
All levels
In this class we’ll develop techniques to focus our attention on rhythm. We’ll play games that bring rhythm into our bodies, and touch on elements of theory and practice. No instrument necessary, and all levels are welcome; during activities, those with equal rhythmic sensibilities will be partnered.
Get Your Groove On!
Elijah Cole
- Week 2
Level 4–5
Learn how to play with better groove and timing. We will do a deep dive into some of the most grooving, make-you-wanna-dance music that’s ever been recorded (James Brown, Prince, D’Angelo, etc.), learn some classic guitar parts, and discuss the basic principles of great rhythm guitar playing. Students will learn how to practice their rhythm and timing, developing skills that will make them more capable in any genre.
Elijah Cole
- Week 2
Level 3–5
Are you tired of reaching for the same basic chords, or wish you could understand how certain songwriters are able to use such unusual chords, yet make them sound natural? This class is for all musicians who want to expand their harmonic palette, whether to improve their songwriting/arranging, or just to understand music on a deeper level. We will look at the harmonic choices of composers such as James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, and Carole King as examples. Students should be comfortable talking about chords in terms of scale degrees (the 1 chord, the 4 chord, etc.) to get the most out of the class.
‘Ukulele Jazz
Neal Chin
- Week 2
Level 3–4
Ever wanted to explore the world of jazz through the ‘ukulele? In this class we’ll learn some of the essential elements of the genre including how to comp, basic soloing, and a little bit of chord melody. A bit of theory, the ability to play chords around the fretboard, and picking experience will get you the most out of this class.
Neal Chin
- Week 2
Level 1–2
Join us as we explore the wonderfully wide world of being an ‘ukulele in today’s world. We’ll cover right hand techniques, work on some ‘ukulele standards, dig into the history, and ultimately create a lens to approach the instrument. Class designed for advanced beginners.
Bass Musicianship
Cary Black
- Week 2
Level 3–4
If you want to improve your intermediate level skills to make playing more enjoyable, creative, and in the pocket, bring your challenges and questions to this class and we’ll focus on what you need to move forward. Possible themes: understanding the essence and subtleties of the bass’s role in various styles; getting beyond reliance on basic patterns; precise, lively timekeeping; creative soloing; active listening; and practical theory. Prerequisites: acquaintance with lower position major and minor scales, and triad arpeggios.
Upright Bass Basics
Cary Black
- Week 2
Level 1–2
For new, nearly new, or self-taught upright bass players. These crucial “basics” make playing the bass so enjoyable! You’ll start out right, learning the core skills and information you need to play effortlessly, accurately, and supportively in folk, country, bluegrass, old-time, and blues styles. Lots of in-class playing, and lots of fun! (I’ll also host a workshop especially for bass guitar and uke-bass players early in the week.)
Jazz / Pop Solo Guitar Arranging
Mike Wollenberg
- Week 1
Level 4–5
An in-depth look at arranging jazz and pop standards for solo fingerstyle guitar (hybrid pickers welcome). We’ll explore techniques that bring out the orchestral possibilities of solo guitar, with an emphasis on independence between melody, bass, and chords, all while being focused on the most important thing: Groove!
Intro to Swing Guitar
Mike Wollenberg
- Week 1
Level 3
This class will focus on getting some of the standard swing chords under our fingers, learning rhythm techniques, and delving into some basic lead playing. We’ll apply all this to some great swing tunes that use common chord progressions. Most important, we’ll zero in on the groove, because as we all know, “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.”
Writing the Instant Classic: Songwriting
Melody Walker
- Week 1
Level 3–4
There are myriad ways to write songs; in this class we’ll explore the fairly narrow road of hit songwriting. The “instant classic” feels like it could have been written in Tin Pan Alley, the Brill Building, or Nashville’s Music Row. This is a class for folks who have written several songs on their own but want to know how to go from writing good songs to writing the kind of songs that connect to a wide audience with a clear and catchy message. Bring your ideas, great titles, hooks, and concepts and by the end of the week, most will have written their personal hit song.
Finding Power in Your Voice
Melody Walker
- Week 1
Level 2–4
Singing powerfully is half technique and half spiritual/emotional. This class will focus on both sides of that coin to unlock a louder, clearer, freer, more dynamic and compelling sound for all. We will explore these possibilities through a mixture of modern pop vocal techniques, key exercises, and mini lessons in front of the class for those who volunteer. We will also touch on some deeper and extended techniques such as mix voice, light distortion, yodeling, and overtone singing. While the work will extend well beyond camp, this class will give you the proof and the tools you need to shift your own vocal power into high gear.
Let’s Jam! Soloing & More on the Ukulele
- Week 1
Level 2–4
Are you feeling like there’s something more to the ukulele than just strumming and singing? You’re right—it‘s time to take a solo! Both soloing newbies and confidential soloists are invited to try soloing, and learn some new chord shapes and strum patterns along the way. We’ll connect our work on scales to the social art of jamming with some fun and well-known pop, rock, and reggae tunes.
Even Ukuleles Get the Blues
- Week 1
Level 1–2
Just pulling the ukulele from its case signals joy and playfulness—but nothing’s wrong with having the blues now and then. Whether you’re starting out on the ukulele or exploring musical genres, playing the blues can fuel songwriting and make musical connections. We’ll break out of our everyday strumming patterns to discover fun shuffles, rhymic variances, and syncopations. Some will learn how to accompany soloists while others dive into scales. Learn some tips and tricks for creating solos. This class will allow ukulele players to harness the power of the blues and join the jam session!
Shake Rattle and Roll!
Brian Rice
- Week 1
All levels
In this class we will learn about the mysterious category of auxiliary percussion. From the shaker to the cow bell, to guiros, claves, caxixi, and agogo, to gongs, quijadas, and vibra-slaps, we’ll have lots of fun learning how to shake it, rattle it, and roll it using some inventive percussion ensemble pieces by your instructor. We will also learn some good rules of thumb for playing percussion, and how to play with other instrumentalists. You are guaranteed to build your rhythmic sense and ability. Many instruments will be provided or bring your own. All levels welcome!
Rhythm in a Box
Brian Rice
- Week 1
All levels
This class is for cajón players (and cajón owners) and for people who want to improve their rhythm in general. There are many kinds of cajóns in the world; the popular sit-on-top style of cajón comes originally from Peru, via Spain and its flamenco music. The cajón is used in many different ways and is very popular as a substitute for the drum set. Bring your cajón and we’ll learn some traditional uses (and some not-so-traditional ones) of the cajón while developing a better sense of rhythm.
Americana / String Band Lab
David Pascoe
- Week 1
Level 2–4
Mix it up and explore the magic of playing a variety of contemporary and trad songs in the Americana genre. We’ll have a daily band scramble, brainstorming in teams to arrange and spice up songs with solos and harmonies. Then we’ll take it for a test drive to see how well the songs shine. The repertoire will be easy to learn and all instruments and vocalists are welcome to join in the fun!
Fiddle Technique: Supporting the Song
David Pascoe
- Week 1
Level 2–4
While the fiddle is a master of melody, fiddlers might feel stuck in a soloistic box. We’ll dig into other roles the fiddle can play when it’s not our time to shine. While developing our tone and clarity, we’ll learn how to chop, chord, fill, pluck, and use a variety of techniques to keep our playing fresh and grow our comping toolkit. Folk and Americana songs will be our launchpad for our rhythmic and improvisational journey.
Swing Jazz Vocals
Kristina Olsen
- Week 1
Level 3
This is a vocal repertoire class. We will start every class with a gentle vocal warmup and then launch into learning some great swing songs. We’ll learn about 15 songs throughout the week and talk about vocal styling and ways to excite your tone. And we’ll do a bit of harmony singing on a few swing songs as well. All of this will culminate in the incredibly fun swing dance!
Tone Production
Kristina Olsen
- Week 1
Level 2–4
Let’s look at how to make the guitar really sing, screech, and howl. Often we focus on the left hand and forget completely about the right hand, so we play all the right notes but they don’t sound great. We’ll learn different pieces with the focus on how the notes sound using lots of different right-hand techniques.
Fingerstyle Arranging
Carol McComb
- Week 1
Level 3
Starting with a song’s anatomy, we’ll explore accents and dynamics, rest strokes, moving bass lines, the use of pedal basses, and rhythmic variations for both fingerstyle and hybrid flatpick accompaniment that will help deliver any song in a way that best supports the singer plus any accompanying musicians. Great for songwriters and anyone who wants to strengthen their song accompaniment skills on the guitar.
From Hank to Dolly
Carol McComb
- Week 1
Level 2–3
A week chock full of country music’s finest classics, complete with runs and easy fills. We’ll also cover some flatpick basics for anyone who needs it, but this class will also work for fingerstyle players just as well.
Janet Lenore
- Week 1
All levels
Whether you’re a first-time camper or it’s not your first rodeo, you might like some help figuring out which classes to take. Need some tips about how to feel more comfortable onstage? Having trouble finding some folks to play music with? Stuck for a rhyming word? Let’s bounce some ideas around. Every 4 pm workshop period there will be also be a slow jam that will be a good fit for both beginners and for people who want hone new skills in a group setting.
Songwriting Kickstarter: Games People Play
Janet Lenore
- Week 1
All levels
Whether you’ve never taken the plunge to try writing a song or you’re a seasoned but idea-stumped songwriter, we’ll use excercises and games to kickstart your creative mind. Using various launchpads we’ll focus separately on music and lyrics, first engaging the muse and then (when it’s time) welcoming our internal editors to the table. There will be time for in-class writing and opportunities to share your “baby songs” in a safe space. Bring a spiral notebook, pens, and your instrument.
Clawhammer Banjo
Evie Ladin
- Week 1
Level 2–4
What is that rhythmic “whomp” that makes clawhammer banjo so funky? This distinctive style marries melody, harmony, and rhythm to add spice to songs and tunes. Emphasizing ear training and skills for jamming in any style, we’ll look at tuning, rhythmic patterns, and exploring the fretboard. Students should have the basic bum-diddy down and basic familiarity with both G and double C tunings.
Body Music
Evie Ladin
- Week 1
All levels
Beyond percussion, Body Music includes melody and harmony—all made by our human instrument. Clap, step, and sing to incorporate music into your whole body. Physically understanding rhythms that underlie the music makes a super fun and accessible body and mind experience. The work stimulates the brain and allows you to enjoy and understand music and rhythm in new, physical ways. No prior experience needed.
Fun Tunes From Around the Globe to Tickle Your Sense of Time
Paul Kotapish
- Week 1
Level 2–4
In this melody-oriented ensemble class, we’ll take a musical jaunt around Europe, some Celtic countries, and points south. These fun and relatively easy tunes work well on the guitar, mandolin, and other instruments. The gorgeous melodies dwell in both familiar and odd meters; we’ll take on a tune in 7/8 time signature, for example. Basic familiarity with picking out scales and arpeggios would be ideal, but it’s an adaptable format with an emphasis on playing together in a group.
The Big Jangle: Byrds, Beatles, Heartbreakers, and Rickenbackers from Hell
Paul Kotapish
- Week 1
Level 2–4
This party-repertory class will focus on guitar-driven rock songs featuring jangly riffs in the tradition of Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Peter Buck (R.E.M.), and Neil Finn (Crowded House), among others. We’ll learn some iconic intros and fills, and have a large time playing lots of great songs with cool changes, simple lead parts, and nice harmonies. All instruments are welcome and 12-string guitars are particularly encouraged. Basic flatpicking skills would be helpful but we’ll accommodate other approaches too.
Groove & Passion: Motown and R&B Acoustic
Ed Johnson
- Week 1
Level 2–4
Learn to play and sing some of the best Motown and Rhythm & Blues classics. Improve your rhythm and lead chops while getting a vocal workout as well! We’ll focus on the elements that make these songs great: groove, chord progressions, timeless riffs, stylistic vocal technique, and some harmony singing. Notation and tab provided.
Doo Wop to Pop!
Ed Johnson
- Week 1
All levels
Come make a joyful noise as we learn the vocal harmony parts to some of the most beloved classic rock and pop songs! In this vocal class you can learn from provided written notation, by ear, or both. All levels are welcome but some prior singing experience is recommended.
On-the-Spot Arranging
Chris Grampp
- Week 1
All levels
Working from an assortment of pop, rock, jazz, country, and similar styles, we’ll arrange and perform songs on the spot each day. To make things interesting we’ll mix styles, rhythmic figures, and overall feel to interpret songs differently from their original versions. This class will involve singing and playing, and is open to all instruments and vocalists.
Beginning Improvisation
Chris Grampp
- Week 1
Level 3–5
This class is for people who want to start playing improvised solos on their instruments (including their vocal cords!). Using an easy to grasp ear-based approach, we’ll work on reinterpreting simple melodies, finding solo notes within caged chords (C, A, G, E & D), and applying the magical pentatonic (5 note) scale to almost any style of music. All instruments and vocalists are welcome.
Irish Repertoire / Three Handy Sets!
Marla Fibish
- Week 1
Level 2–4
This will be a repertoire class and then some! We’ll learn Irish tunes in a few seisiún-ready sets (clusters of tunes) so you’ll have them in your pocket the next time someone asks you to start a tune. We’ll talk about Irish music sensibilities and musicality, and work on getting the lift of the music into your playing. We’ll talk about how to enjoy and get the most out of playing in seisiúns, the natural habitat of Irish music. Recordings and notation of the tunes we’ll be working with are available here, so you can give the tunes a good listen and get them lodged in your head. Open to all instruments!
Beginning Mandolin
Marla Fibish
- Week 1
Level 1–2
Get started on the mandolin! Learn to play the music you love with beautiful tone, rhythm, and articulation on this portable and versatile instrument. It’s set up perfectly for playing melodies, so we’ll learn some sweet ones, and explore some harmonic ideas around them. Special focus will be given to basic positioning, getting each player set up optimally to progress, and solid left- and right-hand techniques that will pave the way for a long and happy future with your mandolin!
Swing Guitar Improv
Mike Dowling
- Week 1
Level 4–5
Starting with a good rhythmic foundation, we’ll learn the ingredients for creating your own swinging guitar breaks. It all starts with the melody and being able to decorate it with syncopation, riffs, and arpeggios. We’ll use the blues song structure as a starting point and then explore common swing tunes like Sweet Georgia Brown, Lady Be Good, etc. Students should be familiar with playing basic swing guitar rhythm. Lots of playing in class as we combine forces to become our own swing guitar ensemble. Handouts provided and audio recorders recommended.
Bottleneck Blues and Beyond
Mike Dowling
- Week 1
Level 2
In this class we will explore slide guitar for open D and G tunings, with emphasis on tone and technique, and strategies for creating slide ideas based on time-honored songs from artists such as Mississippi Fred McDowell and Tampa Red. Students will learn how to use the slide to add expression to their playing, making even the simplest lines sound musical. Mike will teach fretted chord forms, turnarounds, and crisp right-hand techniques, as well as a tune or two from his own original repertoire to demonstrate ways to create arrangements. Students will leave with a toolbox full of techniques.
Fiddle Workout: Celtic Repertoire
Colin Cotter
- Week 1
Level 3–4
In this class, we will learn tunes that serve as a good “workout” for various techniques commonly used in the Celtic genre such as triplets, rolls, cross strings, etc. You will be learning by ear and paying closer attention to nuances in playing the tunes, as opposed to getting through as much repertoire as possible.
Celtic Guitar Backup
Colin Cotter
- Week 1
Level 3
We’ll dig into accompaniment techniques for Celtic tunes such as jigs, reels, and strathspeys. Focusing on right-hand rhythm, bass motion, harmony in the upper voices, and arranging interesting parts for backing tunes played several times in a row. The instructor will switch to playing fiddle at times, giving students real-time opportunities to experience the sympathetic blend of melody and back-up guitar. This deep dive into nuanced Celtic rhythms will stay in EADGBE (standard) tunings, so if you prefer to only play in alternative tunings such as DADGAD, you’ll be on your own to manage chord shapes. All participants should bring flatpicks and a capo to this class.
Fingerstyle Guitar Basics
Kat Bula
- Week 1
Level 2
Ready to put down that flatpick and try something new? We’ll start from scratch, getting your fingers working independently in basic patterns. Fingerstyle applies to just about every genre; we’ll explore a few in this class.
Beginning Guitar
Kat Bula
- Week 1
Level 1
Never touched a guitar before? Learned three chords twenty years ago but can’t remember them now? I got you.
Nothing But The Blues…and Beyond
Cindy Browne Rosefield
- Week 1
Level 3–5
This intermediate to advanced bass class is for players who want to dive deep into the techniques, rhythms, and grooves that shape various jazz styles, with a focus on the blues genre. We’ll concentrate on mastering blues bass lines, walking bass patterns, and improvisation. In addition to learning classic blues tunes, you’ll develop your skills in reading standards, deciphering chords, and analyzing chord progressions in order to create smooth and supportive bass lines. So yes, there will be a dose of music theory involved!
Beginning Bass
Cindy Browne Rosefield
- Week 1
Level 1–2
For those who are just starting, want a refresher course, or are just curious about the magic of playing the bass! Open to all instrumentalists, this class is a great starter for understanding and learning more about simple bass fundamentals, such as how to get a good tone, simple hand positions to get you going, and how to create good smooth bass lines, including blues bass lines. We will move toward “playing in the pocket” in a few different styles and tricks that make a solid bassist.