Michael McNevin

Quirky conversations, odd jobs, narrow escapes; Michael McNevin’s songs read like short stories—full of heart, humor, and a keen eye for detail. Skillful guitar work and seasoned vocals underscore the characters and places of his travels: a scarecrow in love, a busking clown on a frozen Michigan lake, a trailer mechanic in Barstow, a night spent in a Jersey jail. Michael tours the U.S. and regularly offers workshops at festivals, songwriter retreats, and colleges. Every January, he also co-directs the Pacific Songwriting Camp in Cambria, CA. Michael is an eight-time “Song of the Year” winner for West Coast Songwriters, a Performing Songwriter magazine top twelve DIY Artist of the Year, a Kerrville New-Folk Winner, and a Top Three at the Telluride and Rocky Mountain Folks Fest troubadour competitions.