Rachel Manke

Rachel Manke has been called one of the brightest stars in the ukulele universe, and loves sharing her astounding technique and beautiful singing with audiences young and old. She’s appeared on stages that range from the Ashokan Uke Fest and Funky Frets Uke Fest to Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion.” Rachel started in the late ’90s on a $25 Hilo soprano and came to the uke world via the founders of the Ukulele Hall of Fame Museum. She first studied with Joel Eckhaus, directly learning from the well-known student of the famed Roy Smeck. Ever since, she’s continued to learn and perform, and is now a respected teacher as well. She has a penchant for Tin Pan Alley, old-time music, and is a master of the old-school uke chord solo flourish.
Photo: Nat Quick