Stevie Coyle

Stevie Coyle is one lucky bum. His dad brought home records from the radio station that didn’t fit the Spanish-language format. Lots of records. Guitar records. His grandmother was in Vaudeville. His mother played mandolin. String-meister David Lindley played in a bluegrass band that rehearsed right next door and gave Stevie his very first lessons. Stevie’s course was set very early. Not even several years of playing Folk Masses every Sunday could quash his musical spirit, and in high school, he began fingerpicking, inspired by that first Hot Tuna album. He co-founded whiz-bang string band The Waybacks, and toured nationally and internationally with them for seven years. They collaborated with Lloyd Maines, Michelle Shocked, and Bob Weir (of The Grateful Dead). Stevie toured as a solo act for five years after that. And ten years ago, he opened his own high-end acoustic guitar shop—Mighty Fine Guitars, in Lafayette, CA—and is now thrilled to be once again collaborating with fellow former Waybacks Glenn Houston and Chris Kee as The Quitters.